$9.00 USD

Join the $7/mo Content Club

Get your content sorted with the stress-free content planning community


For the cost of a coffee a month, you'll get instant access to my marketing crash course to binge like Netflix and then join me live each month to plan your content for the next month. 

Inside the club we focus on developing a monthly marketing plan covering...

✍🏼 content marketing 📱social media marketing 📧 email marketing

⛔️ No more stressing about what to say or post

⛔️ No more posting for the sake of it

⛔️ No more doom scrolling for inspo

⛔️ No more overthinking absolutely everything you post and then feel bad when you don't see results. 

I don't teach a cookie cutter approach. What's inside the club will help you uncover exactly how to promote your business each month. 

Only $7/month

  • Live monthly content planning workshop
  • Marketing 101 crash course on demand
  • Planners & Templates
  • Coaching & Support

Join the 250+ women already inside.

Get the Business Growth Journal

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A journal for people wanting to scale their business to the next level. 

If any of this sounds like you...

  • Your business has been plateauing
  • Your excitement is at an all time low 
  • You're unsure about your next steps
  • You're distracted by shiny objects
  • Everything seems foggy - you need clarity NOW!
  • You want a better system for yourself to make aligned plans to reach your big goals and actually follow through with them
  • You don’t take enough time for reflection so you're feeling stuck
  • You're working so hard to bring in new revenue but there are so many holes where your business is leaving money on the table and is bleeding profitability
  • You want to get better at managing yourself, your emotions and focus 

Then this journal will help...

  • Get unstuck and align your business to growth and not the busy work
  • Ask yourself the right questions and identify the answers within
  • Create a structure for weekly check ins and aligned action
  • Gain and retain clarity and focus
  • See and leverage what’s working
  • Reveal and eliminate what’s in the way of reaching your goals
  • Dream, think and build bigger
  • Unlock your true purpose, desires and potential as an entrepreneur
  • Speed up the evolution from self-employed to CEO

This is something you can return to every month, or every few months.

Observe and review how your answers change over time.

Then set the intention to take aligned action and trust that the process will call lasting change into your life and business as you reflect inwards and realign your focus.

Self reflection and self leadership both play a huge part in identifying the areas in your life that are holding you and your business back.
The questions, prompts and reflections you find inside this journal can help you see past any blocks, get you from feeling unstuck and shine a light on what you can do to take aligned action to grow your business.  
Due to the nature of this product it is non-refundable