No sales? It's often not a "sales" problem...

marketing sales Aug 22, 2023
No sales? It's often not a sales problem.

No sales? It’s often not a sales problem…

I often hear people claiming that when they aren't making consistent sales, that sales is the problem. But in fact - there's wayyyyy more to consider than sales. 

Obvs every business is different, but if you’re finding you are not getting regular sales, then these are the places to look first...

👉🏼 Your brand

So this is where you break down your complete brand strategy. Your brand is foundation for your business. Whereas your business is the transactional side. It's super important to take a wholistic look at your brand values, your tone of voice, who you're trying to target, are you speaking their language, are you marketing to them directly.

And then do you have a consistent brand? Is it cohesive and consistent? Does it look professional? If you're struggling with your brand, you should jump on the waitlist to my membership the >>Marketing Amplifier<<


👉🏼 Your product or service

You need to consider how you are marketing your products or services. Is there a need for it in the market? Or demand? Are you creating a desire for what you have to offer and sharing with your ideal customers why they genuinely need what you have to offer? 

Or if you look a bit deeper - is what you're offering good quality?? Does it do the job? Really analyse your products or services here. 


👉🏼 Your marketing tactics

Where are you marketing what you have to offer? Are you using more than one channel? Or are you marketing in the places that your ideal customers are actually hanging out? For example, if you have a super corporate business, or a B2B biz, and you're all over Instagram. But the people you need to speak to are on LinkedIn - then you need to spend more time on LinkedIn where your people actually hang out!  Use the channels that your ideal customers frequent.


👉🏼 Your pricing

This needs to be reflective of your offer. So if it's a high price - it needs to be quality. If it's a low price - you need to show the value so they still buy. Have a look at your pricing and see if your costs reflect what you have to offer. 


👉🏼 How easy is it for people to actually buy from you?

This is a bit of a pet peeve, but are your prices obvious or hard to find? If they're hard to find or people have to jump through hoops to get your prices, then you're likely losing out on customers. My tip: remove any barrier and extra steps to buying from you - your job is to make it EASY for people to hand over their money!


So if...

💸 your pricing is on point to make profit

🧲 you have a clear brand strategy that attracts your dream client

📢 you’re actually promoting your business through different marketing tactics

🛍 your product or service fills a need or want and you can communicate it

🤝 And if you make it easy for people to buy from you, whether that’s online or in person...

Then you are on your way to be fixing the ‘no sales’ issue. But if not, look at these areas inside your business and see what’s not working and fix it!

You’ll see – it’s not a sales problem.


If you struggle with communicating and connecting with your audience, then jump inside the Content Club. My $7/mo marketing membership to help you plan your monthly marketing aligned to your business goals (and you'll never be stuck trying to come up with ideas for your content again)

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