Marketing in minutes: your secret weapon to supercharge your business

Save time, money and write drool worthy social media and marketing content in minutes 

Picture this: This time next week you have...


✅ a marketing strategy aligned to your business goals

✅ a 12 month marketing plan

✅ a complete content calendar

✅ social media captions written 

✅ AND repurposed for emails, blogs and more


...done for the year!

You know what to do, when to do it  and the best part - have it done for you, using the tool other marketers don't want you to know about 🤫



You can learn how:




Does creating content feel like a chore?

If you said yes, keep reading. You won't want to miss this. 

On average, a business owner spends up to 11 hours a week (often struggling to write captions) for Instagram™ and Facebook™.

That doesn't include the time it takes to brainstorm all the ideas... And then what about blogs, emails and other methods to promote your business?

I get it, it sucks. But I can help...

I see you wearing all the hats inside your business. You're already time poor, and let me guess, by the time you sit down to write your content, you're feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and completely stuck?


Here’s a question for you...

What if you could stop feeling overwhelmed trying to come up with new ideas and content to promote your business, and instead lean on the secret other marketers don't want you to know about, using ChatGPT as your tool to become your virtual marketing manager. 

Sounds too good to be true?

... by this time next week you could have your entire yearly marketing planned, written and ready to go for social, emails, blogs and more.

Keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how!

All it takes are 

3 simple steps

to plan and write drool worthy 'take my money' marketing in an instant

Step 1

Stay ahead of the competition and learn how to use the tool everyone is talking about. It will become your secret weapon to fast track your marketing.

Step 2

You'll create an entire yearly marketing plan specific to your business so you know exactly what to do next. 

Step 3

You'll have all of your social media content written for the next 12 months, and know how to repurpose it for other marketing channels - in minutes.

When you enrol in Marketing in minutes [ChatGPT unlocked]

You get everything you need to plan and create your marketing content for the year

You'll get instant access to 6 bite-size modules giving you the tools to build your marketing strategy in seconds using your secret online tool. Plus templates, cheat sheets and prompts to fast-track your success.

✔ Module 1: Intro to ChatGPT 

  • Learn about Chat GPT - the tool everyone is talking about
  • Set up an account
  • How to use it & the interface
  • Best practice, plus hints + tips

✔ Module 2: Identify & understand your target market

  • Identify your target market
  • Create buyer personas
  • Define your brand voice
  • Peek behind the curtin: hack to analyse your competitors

✔ Module 3: Your 12 month marketing plan in minutes

  • Define your marketing goals
  • Your strategy in seconds
  • Generate a monthly marketing plan
  • Break it down into weekly action items

✔ Module 4: Social media content in seconds

  • Develop your content calendar
  • Brainstorm content ideas
  • Call to actions + killer hooks
  • Turbo charge: draft your monthly marketing content in minutes

✔ Module 5: Optimise your content

  • How to edit and refine your content
  • The hashtag hero - get the right hashtags for your social posts
  • Regenerate and repurpose your content - including turning it into YouTube scripts and more

✔ Module 6: Time is money - Accelerate your marketing

  • Blogs and articles
  • Lead magnets
  • SEO keyword optimisation
  • Email marketing sequences and campaigns
  • Web content
  • Product descriptions
  • Analyse your marketing


Here's a sneak peek of what's inside...

This course is for you if...

Your current marketing looks a bit like this...

✖️ you struggle to come up with ideas on what to post

✖️ you don't know where to begin to write a strategy

✖️ you wear all the hats and have zero time to commit to your marketing, but know you need to focus on it

✖️you want to write blogs, emails, explore TikTok, and start a YouTube channel but where the heck do you find the time for that? 

✖️you'd love to hire marketing manager, social media manager or even a copywriter but you simply cannot afford it

✖️you stare blankly at your screen for hours on end trying to piece together a caption just to be visible on social media, but in reality you have no idea what to share

✖️you don't know if your tone of voice is hitting the mark with your target market

You're tired of being overwhelmed, wasting hours each week trying to come up with fresh content,  and frustrated about not having enough time to spend in other areas of your business - Now you’re looking for a better way to supercharge your marketing to save you time, money and energy.

You're in the right place.

When you learn the secrets inside my course this is what happens ...

💣 you create, batch and repurpose drool-worthy content in minutes

💣 you know exactly how to speak to your dream clients 

💣 you confidently use other social media platforms and marketing channels 

💣 you have a never-ending stream of content ideas that align with your business goals

💣 original content has become your jam *see ya trends!*

💣 marketing is stress-free, fast and easy 

💣 you have more time to focus on growing your business

💣 you have time to explore other marketing channels 

💣 you have 24/7access to your very own brains trust - a FREE tool to generate ideas, speed up everything and become an extension of your team

Hey there! I'm Jo,

- your marketing and business bestie. 

I'm a lover of organic marketing methods.

You'll often find me with an extra hot mocha in my right hand and my wild toddler on my left hip, swooning over my ecommerce brand, getting my om on the yoga mat, and helping bad arse boss babes launch and grow their business. 

With almost two decades in the corporate marketing world for some pretty huge brands and organisations, I'm ready to spill the tea on all things content. Let's hope I don't spill my coffee on that white suit.

But I'll be honest with you

I know marketing can lead to burn out when you're trying to do it all

It's tough owning a  business, being a mum, friend, wife, and wearer of all the hats. It can lead to burn out, fast. Especially if you're the social media manager, customer service assistant, the marketing manager and CEO all wrapped into one.

I absolutely love writing content, but when you do all the things, you eventually have to let things go. 

As a busy wife and mum of an adventurous toddler

I know too well that time is too valuable for you to be staring at a blank screen trying to figure out what to post on the 'gram, let alone find the time to maintain a blog, create email campaigns, record videos for Tiktok... the list goes on. 

My training will teach you to save time and energy. It makes it easy to develop and repurpose content, without ever being stuck for ideas. While being aligned to your business goals.

And I get it, you're a business owner, not a marketing manager.


Let me introduce you to your secret weapon to accelerate your marketing 

...*ChatGPT enters the chat*

With ChatGPT you can unlock the flood gates to crafting, batching and repurposing drool-worthy content your dream customers will love.


What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot, and when you know how to use it to your advantage and ask the right questions, ChatGPT becomes your ultimate marketing side-kick, fast - giving you advice, strategy, analytics and content. 

Using my method to prime ChatGPT so it becomes your go-to hero, plus my time saving hacks, you can collapse time, accelerate your marketing and give hours back to yourself to focus on the things inside your business that you actually love.

By the end of this course, you'll have a complete 12 month marketing strategy,  content calendar, all content written. 🤯

This method and tools shared in this course have saved me HOURS each week 

YES! I want instant access now

Just $199 - one time payment


Marketing in minutes: The secret to supercharge your marketing

Unlock ChatGPT to master your marketing content in minutes.


Get started for just $199

What if I can help you plan an entire months worth of content in just minutes?

I love helping business owners...
But I also love that you can fund this course with the cost of just 5 skinny lattes (or decaf if that's your vibe 😉)

 Do you think that my batch of training, prompts and your marketing content planned in minutes is worth these coffees?

Absofreakinlutely! I need the batch!

Just $199 - get instant access

Join the other businesses who are collapsing timeproducing instant marketing content and staying ahead of their competition...

You don't need to get stuck and spend thousands on the next hyped up strategy by Insta Gurus sold for $997+ to market your business

With my tried and tested framework, you get to look over my shoulder as I take you step-by-step through the full process of creating your strategic magnetic marketing content, along with actually creating social media captions, emails, blogs and more in minutes.

Yes! I want instant access now

Only $199, join now


But Jo, I've already bought so many programs, courses and things that didn’t help me - why do I need ChatGPT unlocked?


⚡️This is nothing like the things you’ve bought before

​⚡️This will help you to flip the switch from clueless social media posting to a complete organic content marketing strategy

⚡️ ​​This will help you overcome the overwhelm, and step you through the full content marketing planning process that's unique to your business

⚡️ ​You'll be confident in your marketing content, no matter what channel you use

⚡️This doesn’t only give you theory and knowledge it also gives you done-for-you captions and written content instantly. Plus an extension of your team you cal always count on.

The course costs less than a coffee a day from your favourite hipster café... 

But other than the coffee, it has the potential to totally transform your business.

I swear by the things I share with you inside the course because it's the same strategies that I've used and I know it'll help you too.

Go from being confused and never knowing how to market your business 
to never running out of ideas or inspo

Stop jumping on humiliating trends and being hypnotised by shiny objects *cough cough, doom scroll the 'gram*
instead, confidently make content for multiple platforms and channels, fast

Stop trying to figure out all the things, on your own
Use ChatGPT as an extension of your business. 


Only $199 get instant access

You've got the questions

I've got the answers...

swear by my training, so much so I offer a 7 day no questions asked money-back-guarantee.

© 2023 ChatGPT Unlocked | By That Marketing Club

[email protected]