Join The Content Club to become the marketing pro you need

Master your monthly marketing  with the stress-free content planning community 

Create your monthly kick-arse marketing content with live coaching, feedback, on demand training, tools and templates with expert support 

For only $7/month

OMG I need this!

Most coaches charge anywhere from $49 - $499 a month for this kind of value. But I wanted to create a program every business owner can afford for just $7/month

Instead, break up with social media trends (because you know all that dancing and lip syncing is hurting your brand and it's not your vibe...) and learn the expert way to promote your business.

Become the marketing pro you know you need, unlock the flood gates to new leads by batching, repurposing and crafting drool-worthy content your dream customers will love. Through my time saving hacks and signature method that you can apply to every marketing platform you can think of. 

And no, this isn't another instagram program teaching you to jump on trends... 🙅🏼‍♀️

So your current marketing strategy looks a bit like this...


...What strategy

You have no


❌ you decide to go all-in on one platform like Instagram

❌ you stare blankly at your screen for hours on end trying to piece together a caption just to be visible on social media, but in reality you have no idea what to share

you find yourself refreshing your feed just to see if you've got new likes or followers

❌ you wait for your followers to turn into dollars but it's crickets out there

❌ you've heard the gurus tell you to 'jump on this trend' and you can't stand the idea of it

❌ you're ashamed to admit that you have saved posts, or even taken the plunge and spent hours learning dance trends, when you have zero idea how it relates to your biz

❌ you've been told that reels are going to *blow up your brand* but you're yet to see the proof

❌ so you think about sending an email but your list is non existent, and let's be real, you have no clue what you'd say to them anyway...  

❌ and then there's TikTok, but is it about to be banned?

❌ and what about blogging, Pinterest and hang on... how else can you promote your business?


And so you...


👉 post for the sake of it

👉 then overthink absolutely everything you post, and feel even worse when you don't see results

👉 feel frustrated - you knew business was going to be hard, but you didn't think it would be THIS hard 

👉 struggle to communicate your value and unique message

👉 know you have shiny object syndrome and you're constantly moving from one new guru strategy to the next 

👉 your toxic trait is that you spend wayyy too long moving a canva graphic by 2mm so that it's *perfect* 

You aren't getting the attention of your dream customers and you know you need to do something about it... you feel seen?

 You're tired of being on the social media hamster wheel, trying to come up with fresh content, doing the same thing over and over, following all the latest  trends, and still not seeing results.

What you'd like is a simple marketing plan without being a slave to social media, or sacrificing your dignity...

You're in the right place my friend.



A solid content plan is the missing puzzle piece between you and your dream customer.

When you use a  proven signature method that saves you time, energy and gets you off the trend band wagon...

this is what happens...

💣 you know exactly how to promote your business - and everything you do aligns with your business goals

💣 you generate leads through multiple channels 

💣 you nurture your steamy hot leads and email list

💣 you know where your dream clients hang out, how to attract and engage with them

💣 you confidently use other social media platforms and marketing channels 

💣 you create on brand content that speaks directly to your dream customer

💣 you batch, repurpose and create drool-worthy monthly content, fast 

💣 original content has become your jam *see ya trends!*

💣 marketing is stress-free and easy with a method that ALWAYS outlasts a trend

💣 you have more time to focus on growing your business

💣 you have 24/7access to your very own brains trust - a like-minded community to bounce ideas around and brainstorm with

💣 get feedback on your content from other bad arse boss babes, plus me so you're always confident and never second guessing yourself.

Ok, but where do you start?

It's time I introduce myself, because I can help 👋🏼


Hey there! I'm Jo...

Your marketing and business bestie 

You'll often find me with an extra hot mocha in my right hand and my wild toddler on my left hip, swooning over my ecommerce brand (my first child), getting my om on the yoga mat, and helping bad arse boss babes launch and grow their business. 

With almost two decades in the corporate marketing and business world, including my own brands, I'm ready to spill the tea on all things content. Let's hope I don't spill that tea on my white suit... 

I've also built the bulk of my business with a baby on my knee - I'm here to show you if I can do it, you can too.



Because I've been where you are now...

 I know marketing can lead to burn out when you're trying to do it all


I started my first business in my bedroom, without a plan and completely ignored my decades of industry experience. 

 🙅🏼‍♀️ I focused my organic marketing efforts on the wrong platforms

🙅🏼‍♀️ I was on a hamster wheel posting content to the 'gram or tweeting when I wasn't considering where my ideal customer was hanging out (and it wasn't IG or Twitter!)

🙅🏼‍♀️ I was creative, so my pics were pretty, but there was no sales strategy behind it

🙅🏼‍♀️ I wasn't nurturing my juicy email list filled with steamy hot leads (who were wanting to throw their cash at me)

🙅🏼‍♀️ I didn't know how to communicate my value

I knew what I was doing was not working...

I joined social media masterminds, clubs and studied from some of the best. And then it hit me. 

These social media gurus weren't teaching marketing strategy.



I realised I was swept up in gurus preaching trends. It was reactive marketing with a one platform focus. 

That was not what I needed. I know a thing or two about marketing and content. It was time to channel that sh*t and stop being hypnotised by pretty squares. 

So I went back to basics, revisited everything I knew, started a new business, developed a strategy and stuck to it. My business world finally shifted.  

💁🏼‍♀️ My mailing list grew by 800%

💁🏼‍♀️ I could finally start paying myself

💁🏼‍♀️ I could communicate my brand, my values and my vision with ease

💁🏼‍♀️ I focused on multiple marketing channels, with a strategy behind it

💁🏼‍♀️ I attracted the right people to my business

💁🏼‍♀️ I welcomed back my hobbies and social life

Then I started seeing so many other business owners follow the same path and fall for social media gurus - when frankly it's not the right fit for their business.


And I get it, you're a business owner. 

Not a marketing manager!

It took me 4 businesses and a successful career in marketing, communications and advertising to realise that business owners needed a method that...

🔥 makes marketing easy with a method that will ALWAYS outlast a trend

🔥 saves you time

🔥 generates leads through multiple channels

🔥 has a like-minded community to bounce ideas around and get feedback on your content

🔥 explains how to develop marketing and content strategically aligned to your business goals - from the top down like the CEO you are. 


🙅🏼‍♀️ Not reactively from the bottom up, and not just on one platform.

I'm a firm believer of not putting all of your eggs in one basket!

As a busy wife and mum of an adventurous toddler...


I know too well that time is too valuable for you to be staring at a blank screen with wheels that spin but don't move you ahead. 

My method saves me time and energy. It's easy to develop and repurpose content, without ever being stuck for ideas.



My method inspires business owners to shift their marketing focus, identify new ways to promote their business, gain clarity and growth EVERY MONTH.

No ideas are left on the table.

Not to mention, it takes the pressure off trying to come up with content ideas...

A high-vibe call with your business besties to get the creative juices flowing every month? Hell Yeah!

Does this sound familiar?

You want to attract new customers and make more money, so... 

You think about using other social media and marketing platforms

BUT you have no idea where to start, how to use them or let alone how to create a strategy to make it work. Plus: You don't even know which platform is the right place to find your dream customers. 

You thought about outsourcing to a social media manager

BUT you can't afford to hire one so you DIY only to find yourself in a constant battle trying to come up with ideas. Then you're left feeling confused about what to post, and second-guessing everything you do to promote your business. 

You even fantasise about deleting your social media accounts altogether

BUT it's the only way you're marketing your business. So you spend countless hours staring at the screen trying to figure it out other ways to attract new customers. 

or maybe you are a social media manager and you wish you had people in your corner to bounce ideas around with... 😢

Well my friend, you're in the right place.

Here’s a question for you...

What if you could stop feeling overwhelmed trying to come up with new ideas and content to promote your business, and instead become your own marketing manager who knows how to create original content, using the right platforms to attract your dream customers, without following trends?

Sounds too good to be true?

Keep reading and I’ll show you how!

Welcome to 

The first stress-free content marketing planning community

The exact steps that helps you master your monthly content like a pro.



The Content Club

Create your monthly kick-arse content, stress free.

Become the marketing pro you know you need through step-by-step batching, repurposing and crafting drool-worthy content, fast.


Just $7 a month, cancel any time

When you join The Content Club

You get everything you need to plan and create your monthly content marketing each month 

With a real strategy, aligned to your business goals.

You'll get instant access to...

✔ 6 bite-sized modules with the only marketing strategy you'll ever need

✔ Templates, workbooks, cheat sheets and prompts to market your business 

✔ ​An ever-growing resource library 

✔ New resources and prompts every month

✔ 24/7 access to the Content Club House - a members only Facebook community, for support, feedback and accountability 

✔ A space to brainstorm, collab and meet your other business besties.

✔ Live Q+A, coaching and marketing content planning workshop every month


So how does it work?

All it takes are 

3 simple steps

to plan, create and deliver drool worthy 'take my money' marketing content every month

Step 1

Binge my marketing crash course to get you up to speed with all the lingo and learn how my signature method works 🌶

Step 2

X marks the spot - finding your dream customers is the equivalent to finding gold. So I'll help you draw your own treasure map to find them 🤩

Step 3

Join me for a live content marketing workshop each month, with coaching, Q+A's and brainstorming. You'll plan your entire month of content alongside your other biz besties ⚡️

Can this really work? You bet!

My method and skills have given me opportunities to work and collaborate with some pretty big brands, just to name a few...

In a short time, my members have successfully...

💣 generated new leads

💣 increase their following

💣 taken the pressure of social media and always needing to be 'on'

💣 have a real strategy that converts to sales!

Here's a peek of what's inside...

Module 1:  Marketing crash course

  • Get the low-down on all things marketing
  • Learn to identify your dream clients 
  • Find the right marketing channels for your business
  • Learn the lingo
  • All the tools & tech you need

Module 2:  Your marketing strategy

  • Developing guidelines for your brand
  • How to tell your brand story through your marketing
  • Craft magnetic messaging to attract the right people 
  • Content pillars 101 
  • Evaluate! Metrics made easy
  • Creating your strategy

Module 3:  Content creation

  • Repurpose your content like a pro, saving you time and energy
  • Copywriting queen - learn the tips and tools of the trade 
  • Creating an on-brand aesthetic with photo editing and graphics
  • Creating high-quality video content
  • User generated content 

Module 4: Social media

  • Social media platforms explained
  • How to find and engage with your ideal customer
  • Creating an evergreen library to speed up the content creation process
  • #hashtags are not dead
  • Bonus: Social media audit and planner

Module 5: Email marketing

  • Deep dive into email marketing, why you need it to completely amplify your business and how to grow your email list
  • Welcome email sequences
  • Sales email sequences

Module 6: Monthly marketing planning + workshops

  • Your final module to plan your marketing each month with a content planner and prompts to simplify your marketing
  • Plus where you can catch each replay

Plus these extras + bonuses to fast track your success...

giving you the key to easy peasy content creation 🔑

You don't have to create every piece of your content from scratch! With prompts, hooks, call to actions and plug and play canva templates you can use and repurpose for all of your marketing.


You'll have 24/7 private access to our exclusive Facebook community
 The Content Club House

Seek feedback, share ideas, copy, content and inspiration, every single day.

We support each other to generate bigger and better ideas that aren't just about the 'gram.

 Community at our core

Find and connect with your very own inner circle of other boss babes who will inspire you, encourage you  and support your wild ideas. Your business besties are inside.

Monthly marketing coaching

You'll have your full monthly marketing planned and scheduled before the next month rolls around, so you can focus on the other needle moving activities that grow your business.

YES! I want instant access now

Just $7 a month, cancel anytime

What if I can help you plan all your marketing content this month?

I love celebrating our members' wins…

But I also love that you can fund this membership with the cost of just one skinny latté a month (or decaf if that's your vibe 😉)

 Do you think that my batch of training, templates, 
club momentum and your marketing content planned in 90 mins is worth one coffee?

Absofreakinlutely! I need the batch!

Just $7 a month, cancel anytime

To sweeten the deal...

I swear by my training, so much so I offer a 7 day no questions asked money-back-guarantee if you find the club isn't the right fit for you. 

So, is the club right for you?

The club is perfect for you if...

✅ You have a product or service business, whether you're established or just starting out 

 ✅ You’re looking for bite-sized, practical, no-fluff lessons that you can implement and get started immediately

✅ You know you need a plan, because you have no idea what to do next and you're second guessing everything you're doing

✅ You're ready to stop jumping from one strategy to the next

The club might not be the right fit for you if...

❌ You aren't prepared to do the work or stick to a strategy

❌ You're looking for a get-rich- quick scheme - this is all about building a sustainable business from the ground up

❌ You're a seasoned pro and feel confident in your marketing strategy


Only $7 a month cancel any time

Join us inside...

You don't need to get stuck on social media, send cold DMs or spend thousands on the next hyped up strategy by Insta Gurus sold for $997+ to market your business

With my tried and tested framework, I take you step-by-step through the
full process of creating your strategic monthly marketing content aligned to your business goals.


Only $7 a month cancel any time

If you're saying...

But Jo, I've already bought so many programs, courses and things that didn’t help me - why do I need the Content Club?

Then let me tell you this...

⚡️This is nothing like the things you’ve bought before
​⚡️This will help you to flip the switch from no strategy  to a complete organic content marketing strategy

⚡️ ​​This will help you overcome the overwhelm, and step you through the full content marketing planning process that's unique to your business

⚡️ ​You'll get accountability and advice from experts so you're confident in your content

⚡️This doesn’t only give you theory and knowledge it also gives you done-for-you templates and worksheets that you can use instantly

​⚡️ You aren’t in this alone anymore. Be part of a high-vibe supportive community of boss babes on the same journey. 

⚡️ ​There is no risk (7-day money back guarantee and you can cancel at any time)

I swear by the things I share with you inside the club because it's the same strategies that I've used and I know it'll help you too.

Go from being confused and never knowing how to market your business
to never running out of ideas or inspo, with swipe files, templates, community and coaching

Stop jumping on humiliating trends and being hypnotised by shiny objects *cough cough, the 'gram*
instead, confidently make content for multiple platforms and channels with a simple strategy that will never date

Stop trying to figure out all the things, on your own
get support, feedback, accountability, networking, collab opportunities in
our exclusive members-only community.


Only $7 a month, cancel anytime

You've got the questions

I've got the answers...

By That Marketing Club
© 2023 The Content Club | That Marketing Club