Join the club filled with other new female founders taking action.....

Learn the steps to grow your business, make more money and get your time back...

It's time to fast track that wildly successful business you daydream about... 


Doors currently closed - join the waitlist 

OMG I need this!

I've seen similar programs sell for thousands but I wanted to create a program that every business owner can afford for just $49/month

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve got the business and the motivation, but you haven’t quite figured out the secret sauce to attract your dream clients or make it work profitably. 

You're googling things like ‘how to grow my business', and you feel even more confused.

But here’s the thing, all the noise pulls you into a million different directions...

and so you spend every waking hour to figure it all out and you're still left feeling overwhelmed, confused and lost about what direction to take next.

So you attempt to throw sh*t at the wall in the hope that it sticks.

Truthbomb… it doesn’t.

Instead, what you need is a solid marketing plan - but you're stuck on understanding what exactly marketing is...  


So you feel...

 Overworked and underpaid, you're losing total confidence in yourself and your business

❌ frustrated - you knew business was going to be hard, but you didn't think it would be THIS hard 

disconnected to your life and true passions because you’re spending every waking moment trying to figure shit out for yourself

❌ overwhelmed and confused - you just need help to map out the next steps

❌ like something is missing, but you simply can't figure it out

You're honestly questioning if you're on the right path...


And then you try to grow without  a real marketing plan, but you...

👀 have no idea who your target market is, let alone how to attract them

👀 confuse your customers with inconsistent branding - people simply don't recognise or trust your business

👀 struggle to communicate your value and unique message

👀 have no idea how to price your products or services, and you're barely making ends meet

👀 rely on social media to drive sales, but you're not confident with any of it

👀 have shiny object syndrome and constantly moving from one new guru strategy to the next you feel seen?


You're ready for the sales to come rolling into your dream business, without being a slave to social media, or sacrificing your social life...

You're in the right place my friend.

A solid marketing plan is the missing puzzle piece between you and your dream customer...

With a clear marketing strategy for your business, this is what happens ...


💣 Crush the overwhelm - No more confusion or overwhelm, just a clear plan of action

💣 Customers line up at your (virtual) door - Attract your ideal customer and have them raving about your business

💣 Make more money - Increase your profits with an actual pricing strategy that aligns with your lifestyle and goals

💣 Build a badass brand - Stand out from the competition and become the go-to in your industry

💣 Feel confident AF with a roadmap for success and feel confident in your ability to grow your business

💣 Get your life back - Automate your marketing and focus on what you love doing in your business (or your life!)

💣 Achieve your dreams - Whether it's six figures, travel, or early retirement – a solid marketing strategy can help you get there

Ok, but where do you start?

It's time I introduce myself, because I can help 👋🏼


Hey there! I'm Jo...

Your marketing and business bestie 

You'll often find me with an extra hot mocha in my right hand and my wild toddler on my left hip, swooning over my ecommerce brand (my first child), getting my om on the yoga mat, and helping bad arse boss babes launch and grow their business. 

With almost two decades in the corporate marketing and business world, including my own brands that I've also built the bulk of with a baby on my knee - I'm here to show you if I can do it, you can too.

Because I've been where you are now...

 I know marketing can lead to burn out when you're trying to do it all


It's tough owning a  business...

being a mum, friend, wife, and wearer of all the hats. It can lead to burn out, fast. Especially if you're the social media manager, customer service assistant, book keeper, the marketing manager and CEO all wrapped into one. 

I started my first business in my bedroom, without a plan and totally ignored my years of marketing experience.

So an Instagram guru waved a shiny object in front of me and I only focused my attention on the 'gram. 

🙅🏼‍♀️ I was creative, so my pics were pretty, but there was no sales strategy behind it. 

🙅🏼‍♀️ I didn't know how to use it to grow my mailing list.

🙅🏼‍♀️ I didn't have pricing strategy so was losing money.

🙅🏼‍♀️ I didn't know how to communicate my value.

🙅🏼‍♀️ I made poor decisions and gave up my social life. 

🙅🏼‍♀️ I got burnt and closed that business down. 



So I went back to basics...

revisited everything I knew, started a new business, developed a strategy and stuck to it. My business world finally shifted.  

💁🏼‍♀️ My mailing list grew by 800%

💁🏼‍♀️ I could finally start paying myself.

💁🏼‍♀️ I could communicate my brand, my values and my vision with ease.

💁🏼‍♀️ I focused on multiple marketing channels, with a strategy behind it.

💁🏼‍♀️ I attracted the right people to my business.

💁🏼‍♀️ I welcomed back my hobbies and social life. 

Then I started seeing so many other business owners follow the same path and fall for social media gurus - when frankly it's not the right fit for their business.

So my mission is to give you the tools so you can create the right marketing mix that is perfect for you and what your business actually needs to attract your dream boat clients and sell your products or services. 

As a busy wife and mum of an adventurous toddler...

time is so valuable and I believe we are in a golden age where income has become more accessible by creating businesses that align with our dream life. This is one of the reasons I am so passionate about helping my members build thriving businesses and work smarter not harder. We should love what we do, not get stuck with wheels that spin but don't move you ahead.

If I can do it juggling a tiny human, trust me, you can do it too.

But don't take my word for it, here are boss babes inside the club, who have started, launched and amplified their business using my cult brand framework + method...


Here’s a question for you...

What if you could stop wasting time trying to piece together the overwhelming amount of information you find online, and instead start, grow or amplify the business of your dreams, with a clear marketing plan making each step easy, surrounded by a kick-arse community who'll support, encourage and get excited about your ideas?

Sounds too good to be true?

Keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how!

So how does it work?

All it takes are 

3 simple steps

To build, grow and amplify your dream business

Step 1

Plan, validate and set up your business so you know it fits into the lifestyle you crave

Step 2

Lay the foundations to create a magnetic brand your dream customers love

Step 3

Amplify your business using simple marketing strategies, automations and sales tactics

Can this really work? You bet!

My marketing method fast-tracks your learning with tools and resources you can implement right away for INSTANT results... 

In a short time, my members have successfully...

💣 generated new leads

💣 increased their prices

💣 identified and added new revenue streams

💣 rebranded + renamed their business

💣 built websites

💣 pivoted

💣 found other boss babes inside the club to collaborate with

💣 made more sales

💣 refined their offers

💣secured new wholesalers and new corporate customers

💣 best of all - LAUNCHED

And my method (and skills!) has given me opportunities to work and collaborate with some pretty big brands, just to name a few...

Ready for more?


The Marketing Amplifier

 The high-vibe membership where female founders learn to blow up their brand through easy strategic marketing tactics.


Just $49 a month, cancel any time

Doors currently closed.
Join the waitlist to be notified when doors re-open.

When you join the Marketing Amplifier

You get everything you need to start, grow and amplify your dream business 

You'll get instant access to 7 bite-size modules giving you the tools to build your business with ease. 

You'll be able to pinpoint exactly where you’re missing out on opportunities for growth and get the help you need with  templates, cheat sheets and prompts to fast-track your success.

Module 1:  Planning + foundations

  • Get clear on your business so it aligns to your dream life
  • Market research template to validate your idea, business, and seek genuine feedback from your existing customers 
  • Create an insanely simple business plan

Module 2:  Build your brand

  • Know your dream customers better than you know your BFF
  • Define your brand voice so you speak directly to your dream customer
  • Peep your competition to stay ahead of the game
  • Develop your visual identity and aesthetic - logo and branding that will attract the right people

Module 3:  Profitable product suite

  • Price and package your products and services to meet your lifestyle goals and make money honey 
  • Calculators, audits and worksheets for healthy and sustainable profit margins.
  • Extend the customer lifecycle for a continuous flow of repeat customers

Module 4: Sales channels

  • Identify where and how to sell your products and services
  • Increase your visibility to new audiences with different sales channels
  • Explore new revenue streams to make more money

Module 5: Website essentials

  • How to choose the right platform for your industry
  • All the essentials you need for a high converting website
  • My hot tips to write drool-worthy web copy
  • Get found on Google: SEO
  • Get people to your site: Traffic 101

Module 6: Lead generation

  • Create a lead magnet to attract your dream customers with ease
  • Plug and play templates, sales pages and swipe files, creating high-value lead magnets to turn a cold audience into steamy hot leads
  • Grow your email list on autopilot

Module 7: Amplify your business

  • My top online marketing hacks to amplify your business - bringing your strategy together.
  • Why you need testimonials and social proof and the how to collect it. 
  • Opportunities to become the go-to in your industry an blow up your brand.

Bonus: Workshops + masterclasses

  • This is where we dive deep into amplifying your business
  • 90 day business strategy workshops to create a custom roadmap so you always know where your business is heading
  • Masterclasses on trademarking and more.
  • How to start your business, come up with a memorable name and make it legal.

Plus these extras + bonuses to fast track your success...


You'll have 24/7 private access to our exclusive Members Lounge

Learn, feel valued, share ideas and be supported by a like-minded community every single day.

Business can be lonely. So the club is here to make you feel like you have a real team supporting you. As your business BFFs we’ll be there to discuss ideas and road blocks inside our private members lounge.

*formerly known as The Golden hr. Club (Water Cooler), so you'll see a few references to the club below.

 Community at our core

Find and connect with your very own inner circle of other boss babes who will inspire you, encourage you  and support your wild ideas. Your business besties are inside.

Two live calls with Jo every month

Join a live call to have your burning business question answered, mastermind with other powerful women or sit back and absorb the expansive conversations that will empower and motivate you. 

YES! I want in!!

Just $49 a month, cancel anytime

Doors currently closed, join the wait list to find out when doors re-open

What if I can help you plan, start or grow your business this month?

I love celebrating our members' wins…

But I also love that you can fund this membership for the same price as a few espresso martinis (or margaritas if you prefer...)

 Do you think my training and templates to totally amplify your business, plus club momentum is worth it?

Hell yeah! I need this!

$49 / month

Doors currently closed, join the waitlist to find out when doors re-open

To sweeten the deal...

I swear by my training, so much so I offer a 7 day no questions asked money-back-guarantee if you find the club isn't the right fit for you. 

So, is the club right for you?

The club is perfect for you if...

✅ You have a product or service business, whether you're established or just starting out 

✅ You need help to refine your brand, pricing, products or offer suite

✅ You’re looking for bite-sized, practical, no-fluff lessons that you can implement and get started immediately

✅ You know you need a plan, because you have no idea what to do next and you're second guessing everything you're doing

✅ You're ready to simplify, free up time and go all in on amplifying your business 


The club might not be the right fit for you if...

❌ You aren't prepared to do the work - sorry, but you have to take action if you want a successful business

❌ You're looking for a get-rich-quick scheme - this is all about building a sustainable business from the ground up

❌ You're a seasoned pro and making over $5K consistently each month

❌ You've invested in a solid brand strategy and you're business, offers and sales are running like clock work


Marketing Amplifier only $49/month

cancel any time

If you're saying...

But Jo, I've already bought so many programs, courses and things that didn’t help me - why do I need the Marketing Amplifier?

Then let me tell you this...

⚡️This is nothing like the things you’ve bought before

​⚡️This will help you to flip the switch from stuck and confused, to confident and empowered

⚡️ ​​This will help you overcome the overwhelm, and step you through the full start up process that's unique to your business and your dream lifestyle

⚡️ ​You'll get accountability and advice from experts so you stay on track

⚡️This doesn’t only give you theory and knowledge it also gives you done-for-you templates, swipe files and worksheets that you can use instantly

⚡️ You aren’t in this alone anymore. Be part of a high-vibe supportive community of boss babes on the same journey

⚡️ ​There is no risk - you can cancel at any time

So right now you have 2 options...

Option 1

You can continue your journey alone…

Struggle through all the headaches and late nights trying to figure out how to start and grow your business alone - jumping from one strategy or shiny object to the next...

(Been there, done that, it doesn't work)



Option 2

Or you can join the club and start, grow or transform your biz with other like-minded boss babes.

You can quit the late-night google and kiss the overwhelm and confusion goodbye.

Get crystal clear about the direction of your business and know the steps to get you there with support, feedback and accountability on tap... 

It's your choice.


Join the waitlist!

You've got the questions

I've got the answers...

By That Marketing Club
© 2023 Marketing Amplifier | That Marketing Club